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Help feed our brothers and sisters

Help Israel, the army and Yad Ezra V'Shulamit take care of our people in the north in the current siege. With missiles fired daily and the threat of an all out war, Home Front Command of the army is asking our help to feed the new, expected 16,000 evacuees.

Our normal distribution of food baskets for Rosh HaShanah is over 62,000 baskets. Now we need so much more to make sure everyone has food for the holiday and to survive this war. We agreed with the Home Front Command to feed an additional 1000 families!

Please join us. Help Israel's families with food and dignity and may Hashem (Gd) answer your prayers, bring our hostages and soldiers home and may we all be inscribed in the book of life, health and peace.

Thank you for standing with Israel-and for caring.

Step 1: Choose currency

Step 2: Choose Donation Amount:

1 food basket for a small family
1 food basket for a large family
2 food baskets for large families
3 food baskets for large families


Step 4: Payment Method

Credit card

Total Amount: $120

Yad Ezra V’Shulamit is a 501(c)3 charity.
Yad Ezra V'Shulamit is a tax exempt Charity in Israel, USA , UK, Canada, Austalia, France, & EU Countries
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