Letter from – Rabbi Ovadia Yosef zt"l.

It is of great merit to generously support them. And may Hashem (G-d) bestow reward upon you.
May Hashem (G-d) repay all the volenteers and those who assist and may they merit a prospeous and long life, blessed with happiness, health and wealth.
Ovadia Yosef
Rav Chaim Kanievsky zt"l meets with the directors of Yad Ezra V’Shulamit

Rav Chaim Kanievsky
B'nei Brak
Adar I Shmitta 5782
Yad Ezra V'Shulamit's good name is already well known, for their many years of support for needy families, among them widows and orphans, babies and youth at risk. It is certainly a great mitzvah to partner with them in their chesed activities that benefit thousands in Israel.
Recently they have added yet another project – wedding halls. Their aim is to lighten the burden of orphans who are getting married.
It will bring great merit to all those who help them; they will surely see great blessing in all they do.
And all those who assist them will see blessing in their endeavors, and will be blessed with all the blessings mentioned in the Holy Torah: children, longevity and livelihood in good health, joy and nachas..
Letter from – Rabbi Mordechi Eliyahu zt"l.

The chessed organization “Yad Ezra V’Shulamit” distributes food parcel each week to about 500 families, and on the Jewish festivals: to about 1500 families.
It is of great merit to generously assist this organization.
All those who assist will be blessed with goodness both material and spiritual and with sons, life and prosperity
Mordechi Eliyahu
Letter from the Prime Minister of the State of Israel – Benjamin Netanyahu

May it be a good year for Am Yisrael. Certainly we’ve enjoyed better years now after the difficult times we had economically.
When I was finance minister we were facing the abyss, we had to take drastic measures to save the economy. It has been saved. It’s robust, it’s growing, but we know that there was a price.
We know that there are people who are still left behind. And even though the government is helping them now with the newfound funds because of the economic growth, there are still social needs that are dire, people in need, children in need. This is why I’m supporting Yad Ezra V’Shulamit that is helping feed these children, and this is why you should support them.
Now, I know you’re doing your best, and I want you to do more. This is a very worthwhile project. To give from the heart, to the heart of a young child. So I want to, again, wish you the best of holidays, and remind all of us that kol yisrael areivim zeh lezeh, and that Yad Ezra V’Shulamit will never forget them, and you shouldn’t either. Thank you.
Benjamin Netanyahu