Ways to Donate Today!
It’s never been easier to help feed Jewish children in Israel.
Donations are tax deductible in Israel, USA , UK, Canada, Australia, France, & other EU Countries.
For information on how to donation in individual countries not listed below, please email miri@yadezra.net.
Call us!
- USA: 1-866-978-5049
- Israel: 972-2-540-0058
Please make a note that the donation is for Yad Ezra V’Shulamit for all online donations, wire transfers and checks.
Online (Tax Deductible)
- US$ and NIS: yadezra.net
- UK Pounds, Euros, or Canadian$: Via IsraelGives – Click here
- Australian $: Via Chai.org – Click here
- Crypto: Click here
Mail a Check (cheque if you’re from the Commonwealth!)
- USA: 3470 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1020, Los Angeles, CA 90010.
- Israel: PO Box 5885, Jerusalem, Israel 91050.
- UK: British Friends of Yad Ezra Ve’Shulamit, 17 Hillcrest Avenue, London, UK NW11 0EP. Checks need to be written out to: British Friends of Yad Ezra Veshulamit
- Canada: Please make checks out to Canada Charity Partners 5785 Smart Ave. Cote St Luc, Quebec H4W 2M8 with attached note designating it for Yad Ezra V’Shulamit.
- Australia: Chai Charitable Foundation, Yad Ezra V’Shulamit c/o Yehuda DeVries, 15 Balaclava Rd, St. Kilda East, VIC 3183. Please note on the cheque that the donation is for Yad Ezra V’Shulamit.
Bank Transfer
- USA: For bank transfer details, please email feedisrael@yadezra.net or call 1 (866) 978-5049.
- Canada: For bank transfer details, please email Miri at miri@yadezra.net.
- UK: Barclays Bank, Account name: British Friends of Yad Ezra Veshulamit, Sort code: 20-29-37, Account #: 13614409
- Israel: IBAN: IL50-0204-1700-0000-0456-568 (account no.)
- Australia: National Australian Bank, BSB: 083028, Account #: 580178146. Please note on Bank Transfer it is for Yad Ezra V’Shulamit.
If a tax deductible receipt is not needed: ANZ Bank Acct #484698897 BSB #013006. - Switzerland: See below. For a digital or print copy of the swiss payment slip or Bank Acct. info. Please contact Miri at miri@yadezra.net
- France:
Titulaire du compte: Association Yad Ezra VShulamit
BRED-Banque Populaire
Numéro de compte: 00516012964
IBAN: FR76 1010 7002 1200 5160 1296 492
Stock Donations
- Specify it is for Yad Ezra V’Shulamit
- EIN # 46-0477228
- Fidelity Investments Acct # Z40-343999
- DTC # 0226
For more information, visit www.yadezra.net/why_donate_stock.php
Other ways to give, including legacy gifts:
- Legacy Gift | Bequest
- Cash
- Securities
- Will
- Retirement Plan | IRA | Other Beneficiaries
- Existing or Unneeded Life Insurance Policies
- Gift Annuities | Annuity Alternatives
- Charitable Insurance Policies
- Stocks
- Taxable Income
- Charitable Remainder Trust | Lead Trust
- Property
- @Joseph-Rivani
- (213) 369-9600
- Zelle – Yad Ezra V’Shulamit
- yadezrazelle@gmail.com
- # 2133699600
Apple Pay
- Apple Pay appears only on Mac/Safari browsers and only if the user has set up their wallet and is logged in to their LearnWorlds account. To donate, Click here
- Currencies accepted: USD, AUD, CAD, Swiss Franc, Euro, GBP, shekel, Mexican Pesos, Norwegian Krone
Your Donations are Tax Deductible
Yad Ezra V’Shulamit is a registered charity in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada and Israel.
- US tax deductible # 46-0477228
- Israel Amuta #: 58-031-364-1
- UK registered charity # 1115518
- Canada charitable BN : 81833 5390 RR0001, Fedl Corp # 916213-5, NEQ : 1171446256
- Australia tax deductible # Chai Charitable Foundation (ABN: 82617023293 Deductible Gift Report).
Please make a note that the donation is for Yad Ezra V’Shulamit for all online donations, wire transfers and checks.