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Helping our brothers in the south

Jan 03, 2009

Yad Ezra V'shulamit arrived to the south to support the citizens during the military operation "Oferet Yeztuka" and fill their needs.

Following the situation all business ,stores,banks etc. were closed which caused a great lake of food for most of the citizens.
Yad Ezra V'shulamit arrived to assist and support them.

Loaded trucks with dry food, vegetables, bread and fruit arrived to the south Sderot and Ashdod) and were distributed to the citizens.

The citizens were so excited from this gesture and were greatfull.

Another several loaded trucks were sent to another areas such as- Beer Sheva and Netivot.

This great support was poissible thanks to dear worried jewish poeple from all over the world that had empathy to their brothers in trouble. We thank you all for your great help.

We couldn't have done that without you!