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Summer Camp: Protecting Children From Living on the Streets

Jun 19, 2024

As summer nears and the weather becomes hot, children eagerly await the start of their summer vacation. But what about parents who can’t afford to send their children to camp? Those children end up spending countless hours on the street. Summer is a time for relaxation, adventure, countless hours of play, and family bonding. However, not every family has the opportunity to experience the adventures that summer promises. Yad Ezra V’Shulamit understands that summer can be a stressful time for many families experiencing financial difficulties. We are taking steps to ensure that disadvantaged children in Israel can enjoy a fun-filled summer through our innovative day camp.

Yad Ezra V’Shulamit’s Day Camp provides these children with a break from their daily challenges. It allows them a place where they can enjoy, learn and thrive. Our summer camp is intended to cater to children from low-income families, offering them exciting outings, two nutritious meals a day, and a variety of creative activities that stimulate their minds and lift their spirits.

Our day camp also provides unique ways to keep the children inspired and engaged throughout their summer. The camp offers various arts and crafts workshops to engage their creativity and spark inspiration. We also offer multiple sports activities to help them experience teamwork and maintain physical health. We aim to incorporate learning opportunities through interactive games and activities, helping them gain tools that will develop into life skills.

One of the key offerings of our day camp is an opportunity to take part in real-world experiences through the outings we organize. These various outings allow disadvantaged children to visit landmarks and participate in educational tours and nature hikes - opportunities that are important for development but are not easily accessible to many low-income families. Our daily trips are supervised and carefully planned to ensure safety and enjoyment.

Yad Ezra V’Shulamit’s Day Camp offers more than just a place for children to enjoy and engage. It aims to provide them with memorable, lifelong experiences and skills that will accompany them throughout their lives. The confidence, joy, and friendships they develop at camp become memories they will treasure for the rest of their lives.

We invite you to join us in supporting this cause and helping us to offer this meaningful summer opportunity to more children. By doing so, you can help to create happy memories, lasting friendships, and help to lift these children’s spirits so they can feel supported and loved. Your contribution to the Day Camp will cover the costs of two daily meals, outings, and activities, making sure that disadvantaged children have an equal chance to experience summer to the fullest.

Your involvement can make a significant difference in the lives of these children. We can come together to fill their summers with adventure, joy, and creativity.