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Bring Light to Children’s Lives

Dec 10, 2024

This year, shortly after the longest night (December 21), we celebrate the festival of Hanukkah, beginning on the evening of December 25. Hanukkah, also known as the Festival of Lights, commemorates the victory of the Maccabees over the Greek empire, reclaiming the Holy Temple and the miracle of the oil that burned for eight days instead of one. It is a celebration of hope, resilience, and light triumphing over darkness.

This Hanukkah, you can embody the spirit of the holiday by bringing light into children’s lives through your contribution to the Yad Ezra V’Shulamit December Matching Funds Campaign.

About the December Matching Funds Campaign

Thanks to our special friends and generous supporters, every donation made in December will be matched. That means your contribution goes twice as far! For example, when you donate $100, it becomes $200!

Who Will It Benefit

We have 400 children who want to join our Children’s Centers in Jerusalem, Neve Yaakov and Safed (Tzfat), some of the poorest areas in Israel. As 2024 draws to a close, we are determined to ensure these children receive essential food, tutoring, therapies, basic supplies, and support the need to succeed and thrive.

Supporting children during early childhood—ages 3 months to six years—is crucial, as it profoundly impacts their lifelong development, well-being, and values.

At Yad Ezra V’Shulamit, we are dedicated to going above and beyond to bring hope and light to these deserving children.

What Do We Need

Your support will help us reach our goal of providing for these 400 children throughout the entire year. We aim to raise $1,600,000, with just $4,000 per child ensuring they have access to food and essential resources for a full year.

With the Yad Ezra V’Shulamit December Matching Funds Campaign, every dollar you give brings us twice as close to achieving our goal.

How Can You Help?

The opening line of a beloved Hanukkah song says, “We came to banish darkness.” Now is your chance to shine your light and help banish the darkness of poverty for these children.

  1. Donate Generously
    Contribute to the Yad Ezra V’Shulamit December Matching Funds Campaign.
    Remember, every dollar you give will be matched!
  2. Spread the Word
    Raise awareness by sharing this campaign on social media or directly with friends and family. Use our hashtags: #MatchingCampaign, #YadEzraVShulamit, and #DoubleInDecember.

Hanukkah “Gelt” in Action

A popular Hanukkah tradition is giving money, or “gelt,” to family and friends. This year, your Hanukkah gelt can bring hope to 400 deserving children. By supporting the Yad Ezra V’Shulamit December Matching Funds Campaign, you’re giving these kids the chance to succeed and build brighter futures.